Friday, June 6, 2014


There really isn't much to say about me, I'm a nerd, I'm awkward, I'm 18 fresh out of high school having difficulties trying to organize my life.  I decided that I wanted to start blogging because I've just have had so many things on my mind, it doesn't matter if anyone reads these or not, I just need to know I'm getting my voice and feelings written down somewhere. I'd have a journal but this is the modern day, and I'm kinda lazy, it can't be helped, I've been raised this way. Ok so for starters, I'm not a very good writer so if you're reading this and you are noticing every mistake I make, I'm sorry... I never really much cared for English while in school, I found it kind of pointless to sharpen my English skills when I had thought speaking it was enough. It's kind of ironic really, that I've chosen to start blogging and I'm terrible at English.  Oh by the way I'm Alex, that's not really my name but everyone calls me that since I don't really enjoy my first name. I'm here to organize my thoughts and reflect and if anyone wants to join me, you are more than welcome too. I suppose I should talk more about myself, I'm a gamer, I really like Adventure time, I have an obsession with the number 4, and I have an ego that usually becomes more of a hassle than anything else. I consider myself to be really good at math, and that's about it, I don't really have any talents that I think are worth mentioning, occasionally I play yugioh, I think it's a very fun game and because of yugioh I met 2 of the most important people in my life. There are other people worth mentioning but I'll save those for another time. I guess this is as good of an introduction that I'll make. I already feel better that I've written all of this down.  I'm having trouble concluding this introduced! This is why I shouldn't have spent all that time sleeping in English class... Anyway I hope you guys decide to stick around, I think this'll be kinda fun!

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